Varieties of Fruit lost in memory

Cultural Heritage from times long before

Varieties of Fruit lost in memory

Cultural Heritage from times long before

Varieties of Fruit lost in memory

Cultural Heritage from times long before

Varieties of Fruit lost in memory

Cultural Heritage from times long before

Varieties of Fruit lost in memory

Cultural Heritage from times long before


The varieties that, mostly because of ignorance of their erstwhile existence, had meanwhile effectively been lost, though just in time been recognized and consequently been rediscovered, are as a rule being multiplied and maintained. Latter is being carried out through the establishment collections of various kind and volume, composed by earlier mentioned experts. The varieties actively or passively traced and rediscovered by us and others are thus being disseminated and as a consequence being saved from extinction, albeit for the time being.

Dissemination takes place on the one hand at grafting sessions for the general public, but more directly through the establishment of new orchards composed of the newly rediscovered varieties with individual owners, as well as at institutions and with organizations. Valuable reference collections have been created in this manner. These may create useful research opportunities for comparative varietal studies.

De hoogstamboomgaard, een beknopte handleiding

Enkele voorbeelden van collectieoverzichten bij deelcollectiehouders:

Collectie Addink (momentopname november 2019 )

Collectie Harmsen, appels (momentopname augustus 2021)